Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back from "Nowyhee" back to the grind

We had an amazing vacation we got to go parasailing, snorkeling and callie and mckay got to swim with the manta rays. It was so great but its great to be home as well. We have a super busy schedule this year, mondays callie has dance from 3-4 they both have gymnastics from 4-5 wednesdays callie has dance from 4:15 to 5:15 thursday rakell has dance at 10 am they both have school 12 -3 so getting them to these places with both babies (kennadee and mia) is going to be an adventure plus callie will also have saturday dance for the production number... It will be good to stay busy but a challenge none the less. Part of why I wanted to start this is so that i would remember all the cute and funny little things that happen from day to day that so easily slip my mind.. the other day rakell came in our room and we were hugging and talking and she came and said "why are you guys hugging each chudder?" haha we were laughing so hard, i love how she talks. I cant beleive she is in school and callie is in kindergarten now life flies by when you arent looking. All we can do is hope to be the best we can be and hope to make each day better than the one before it. I struggle with patience and my temper and with feeling like i have no identity outside of being mommy... i have to every now and then get out for a bit and then by the time i get home i miss them and appreceate them so much more. It is bound to be a crazy and exciting year and i am looking forward to all the wonderful things that are in store for us

1 comment:

  1. oh mommy i miss you so much and i am so glad i have this blog to remember you by
    honestly i felt you here with me when i found the blog r.i.p i love and miss you. bye
